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Frequently Asked Questions? 

  • Can I place an order on this site?
    This website is for 3DRP customers allowing them to place orders easily and quickly for materials, consumables, and spare parts without the need to message or email us. If you are not one of our customers, please contact us before placing an order. We always welcome new customers but we must follow our suppliers’ rules and regulations. For further information please see our Terms & Conditions.
  • How quickly will I get my order?
    If you place your order before noon (ideally 11am), we will try to get it ready for DHL to collect on that day. This is all depends on stock availability and subject to DHL showing up. Please bear in mind that DHL is not offering next day delivery to some areas in the UK. international shipments might take few days to arrive, and customs might delay it even further. Please refer to our shipping policy for further information.
  • Payment
    We are not taking payment on this website. This website is purely for our customers to place their orders. Once the order is complete and a tracking number is generated an invoice will be sent separately. If you wish to pay by card, please let us know and we will enable the review and pay link on the invoice. We encourage customers to pay directly to our account to avoid the card processing fee.
  • Refunds & Returns
    If you are not satisfied with any of our products or please do not hesitate to contact us. We will accept returns within 30 days of purchase and replace any damaged goods within 14 days. If you order the wrong item by mistake, please keep the original package. For further info please see our return and refund policy.

Couldn't find an answer? We are happy to help.

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